When Magic and Science Intermingle

I’m celebrating the release of the first three chapters of The Hand Dealt, the first book in my series, in the Book Funnel group When Magic and Science Intermingle.

My characters in this series know all about magic and science. Before they speak for themselves, I wanted to share my own thoughts on the subject.

Be sure to join my reader group so you can keep up with this diverse bunch. One character from the series will write here in this blog every couple of weeks. Get ready, I promise it’s going to be fun and wild.

Okay, let’s get this show started.

When you think about it, magic and science have intermingled for thousands of years. People have considered magical things scientific, and scientific facts magical. Eclipses, for example, were once considered dark magic. The Vikings, the ancient Chinese and Hindus were only a few of the cultures who believed the sun was being devoured by magical forces. On the other hand astrology was once revered as a science with everyone from kings to popes seeking counsel. The interchangeability of magic and science over the course of humankind highlights how the two actually walk hand-in-hand.
Long ago I recognized that I was a skeptic. Pronouncements made by others had to be verified according to my own logical standards before I would believe they were magical, or scientific in nature. Once satisfied, I embraced it. This is how I came to read tarot cards, consult an astrologer, and practice kundalini. On a more mundane level it’s also how I became known for my cooking and my marketing skills. How do these relate? Cooking and marketing is about following tested, proven recipes. These two skills are science based, whereas reading tarot cards, consulting an astrologer and practicing kundalini are now regarded as non-scientific. Regardless of how they’re defined, these activities have been proven valid to me. The fact they’ve flip-flopped between the science or magic category, depending on the pulse of the current society, doesn’t mean anything.
It’s all a matter of perspective. If you consider science and magic as two sides of the same coin, I think you’re getting very close to the truth.

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