Why do I see the same repeated numbers all the time?

Do you see a certain sequence of numbers pop up often and in random places? I know you do. We all do. Have you ever wondered why you see them so frequently? 

And if you haven’t noticed them yet, tell yourself you want to, and you’ll begin seeing them within 24 hours. 

What do these numbers mean? And why are you seeing them all the time? I’m going to tell you. 

To answer these questions, we must first understand the significance of numbers. They are the basis of everything that is, ever was, and ever will be. It is the elegant way our universe operates. The great minds from ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece understood this. They built the foundations of our world, both literally and figuratively, from applying the systematic use of numbers. 

The metaphysical science of numerology reveals the power and significance of the numbers 1 through 12, plus 22, 33 and 44, and all the combinations thereafter. We are each encoded with a unique sequence at birth. Numerology decodes this sequence based on your birthday and name at birth. When deciphered, it reveals the path you will take in this life, and the lessons you are here to learn. 

Now, if you decode the sequence you repeatedly see, randomly all the time, you will gain tremendous insight into where you energetically are right now and the message your superconscious mind has for you. I’ve explained what each number 1 through 12 means from a universal standpoint below. 

But let me share some examples with you. I have a couple of friends, who don’t really know each other, but each has told me separately they see their months and days of birth in numeric form in random places – on clocks, addresses, and phone numbers – on an almost daily basis. These are people who are not consciously observing their lives from a metaphysical perspective, yet the metaphysical world is tapping them on their shoulders on a regular basis to pay attention. Why? Because our superconscious awareness is always in action and wants us to live at our highest potential. It is always sending us messages through our dreams, but it also communicates through the language of numbers.

When you see your special sequence, it’s what the imminent psychologist Carl Jung called synchronicity – the occurrence of an event which appears significant, but has no discernible connection. I understand it to be an alert that you need to take a moment to tune into your deeper awareness. It’s the universe, your highest self, whatever penultimate name you want to give it, tapping you on the shoulder for you to pay attention. The message may be that you’re in an optimal flow with your highest self at that moment, or it could mean the opposite, that you need to adjust your energetic frequency. Only you will know what the message is. But I assure you, there is a message for you when you see your numbers. 

One of my sequences is 11 11. I see this randomly on an almost daily basis. Most of the time, I will happen to notice the time on my phone or computer, or a nearby clock. Am I subconsciously aware of the time, and have I subliminally programmed myself to look at a clock on each occasion that time rolls around? Perhaps. But I’m not consciously aware of it. And that doesn’t explain why I see it often on street signs, addresses and in other random places frequently. And it doesn’t explain why my friends see their birthdays, 627 and 414 all the time.

We didn’t consciously seek out these numbers either. My friends and I just began noticing that these sequences frequently appear. As I said, neither of the friends I’ve mentioned are committed to any metaphysical practice like I am. Yet, this aspect has projected itself into their lives.

Because I am deeply involved in what I call practical metaphysics, I have investigated what the number 1 and the number 11 mean from a numerology standpoint. And I know many other people also see this number and this grouping frequently. The number 1 seeks to establish its own identity. As the very first number, it stands alone, to discover its own abilities, its own power. Therefore, there is a lot of creative energy and courage related to this number. 

The number 11 takes the vibration of the number 1 to the highest level. It is the number 1 amplified exponentially. People who see 11’s frequently are naturally attuned to the psychic level, gaining knowledge intuitively from their highest sources. And in turn, we are driven to share what we’ve learned with others. A lot of responsibility is attached to this number because as information is downloaded to us, we must put it to good use. 11 is 1 plus 1 which equals 2, symbolizing harmony, partnership and empathy. We must remember we are all one. Reaching out to others to offer awareness of these higher frequencies is our duty. 11 is a powerful number representing manifestation. When we see it in our daily lives, we must take note of what we are currently manifesting and decide if we’re vibrating at our optimum frequency.

Now, for my friends who see their month and day of birth all the time, this is the universe, their highest self, whatever name they choose to call it, nudging them to take note of where they energetically are at that moment, and realize the potential which exists. If they allow their thoughts to settle to hear the message which is surely coming from their superconscious mind, they will know if there is something else they could, or should, be doing. It is a fabulous moment where their highest self is connecting with them, pushing through into their busy conscious awareness for a special message. 

Below, numbers 1 through 12 are explained in depth.* The most important thing is to recognize that every number has a unique vibration, or frequency. Read the qualities of each of your special numbers and see the deep layers of who you are right now. Understanding your frequency right now will help you in countless ways. You can realize your soul’s path in this life, what you are here to specifically learn, and what your unique gifts are. 

1 – The pioneer, seeking experiences to establish its individual identity, and its own abilities. 1 resonates with positive, original and creative raw energy. In a state of perpetual motion deciding how its energy can best be used. It must take command of a situation and maintain the courage of its direction no matter the opposition. 1 is the I AM, the unity, the all, the encompassing of self-consciousness.

2 – The partnership, the pair representing change, adaptability but perhaps simultaneously indecisiveness. Yet it is also emblematic of being a diplomat and peacemaker bringing compromise to a situation. It collects and assimilates, and seeks a balance especially with opposing forces. 2 resonates with attention to detail, and a sense of rhythm and harmony. Music is ingrained within this energy. There is also the predisposition to put others first because union is the goal. 

3 – Manifestation and self-expression are highlighted, but so is social interaction. Communication and the joy of living are essential with this vibration. 3 energy is extroverted and enthusiastic with personal charisma drawing others toward them, inspiring others to expand and grow. Actors and performers frequently resonate with the 3 vibration. A diverse range of emotions are expressed when possessed by this energy. 

4 – Stability is the keyword. Law, system and order are paramount within this vibration. Along with those qualities come firmness, the demand for security and a conservative nature. Practicality, self-discipline and a conventional routine are crucial operating elements for those resonating with this vibration.

5 – Freedom, change and adventure are the guiding principles. Innate curiosity producing resourcefulness, adaptability, versatility and always being willing to take a chance are more hallmarks. Communication and a natural ability for advertising and self-promotion are inherent with the number 5. Possession of a little information about a lot of subjects is also a significant aspect. 5 energy loves to travel, and has an irresistible magnetism.

6 – Conscientious about bringing harmony, truth, justice and balance into its environment. Love and kindness vibrate from 6. Teachers, counselors and healers frequently resonate with this number. People who crave domesticity also embrace 6 desiring a companion, family and a conservative harmonious home life. Service to community is also a hallmark along with artistic ability.

7 – Seeks to establish a philosophy to live by and desires to penetrate the mystery behind its existence. Spending time alone, and in nature, is important. And seeks to establish friendships with those of a like-minded elevated consciousness. Perfected thinking is the goal of 7 energy. Not only do philosophers, mystics and clergy resonate with this number, but so do scientists and teachers. Physical health is also a hallmark of this number.

8 – Control and responsibility are hallmarks along with recognition and financial rewards. Expression and growth in the business world are also indicated. Karma is a ruling principle too. Power, steadfastness, and the ability to see in broad terms resonate with this vibration. Ambition and the achievement of material goals are present, as well as the drive to overcome all obstacles. If fair and ethical standards are adhered to, as well as good judgment and organization, positive recognition will follow. 

9 – Selflessness, compassion and a love for all applied in universal service. Generous, benevolent, and patient this number takes an impersonal view but just view of life. Great thinkers and artists resonate with this energy. 

11 – Manifestation. Connection to a higher source of wisdom. Psychic abilities. Duty to share acquired knowledge. Seeks to bring harmony to situations. Innovative, motivated and creative. Good listener. Compassionate and always seeking the truth. 

12 – Harmony, balance, completion. Effective communication, tolerance and abundant creativity. Self-determination, cooperation, exploration and optimism. 

*I have borrowed excerpts and quotes from the indispensable book, Numerology and The Divine Triangle.

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